
15 recommended diving locations from the best underwater tour packages in the world that you shouldn't miss.

 15 recommended diving locations from the best underwater tour packages in the world that you shouldn't miss.

1. Bajo Alcyone, Cocos Island, Costa Rica

Cocos Island is one of the diving locations of the best underwater tour packages in the world that you must visit. If you like Jurassic Park movies, then the scenery on this island is almost the same. And as depicted in the film, its natural beauty is still well preserved, one of which is in Bajo Alcyone. Bajo Alcyone offers you the opportunity to come face to face with hundreds of hammerhead sharks and large schools of fish of various species.

What to Expect At Liveaboard Bajo Alcyone

Liveaboards to Bajo Alcyone will usually be part of a dive trip that incorporates all the sites in the Cocos Islands. Almost every liveaboard itinerary will stop here for some time, allowing divers to experience some of the best shark diving in the world. Once you dive into the delightfully warm waters of this famous site, you'll quickly realize why divers always sail almost 2 days to get here. Exceptional visibility, incredible biodiversity and views of the swirling group of more than 100 Scalloped Hammerheads, give this extraordinary site the status it deserves among the best scuba diving spots on the planet.

What You Can See

Living aboard a submarine comes here for one main reason: the Toothed Hammerhead Shark. There's arguably no better place to see these incredible creatures than this secluded spot off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Their distinct body shapes form some stunning silhouettes as they swim in the sun over groups of divers, providing fantastic opportunities for underwater photography enthusiasts.

The sheer number of Hammerheads on display will amaze even those who expect it, and even after several dives over the course of a few days, we've never heard of anyone getting tired of the sights! They are often found in groups of more than 100, a site that is very rarely seen worldwide. Liveaboard dive cruises to the region tend to last at least 10 days, giving guests ample time to dive with these beautiful animals, as well as relax on board in style.

Hammerheads are present year-round, although they are in highest numbers during the rainy season which runs from June to December. But the dry season offers the best visibility and calm seas, and there really isn't a bad time to be underwater here.

While the main attraction is the Hammerheads (and rightly so), there is no shortage of other marine life to see in Bajo Alcyone besides the main attraction. Manta and Mobula rays are usually present, attracted by the cleaning stations in the area. There are also several different shark species to complement what you'll encounter - including Whitetips, Blacktips, Silvertips and Silkys. This is truly a world class site, and a true pleasure to dive, which will no doubt be one of the main highlights of any liveaboard trip to Costa Rica.

Heading to Bajo Alsione

Because it is within the Cocos Islands , about 550 kilometers from mainland Costa Rica, diving at Bajo Alcyone is only possible on a direct dive cruise. It usually departs from the port of Punterenas, a 90-minute drive from the nation's capital San Jose. Guests can arrange their own accommodation in the city and then transfer to Punterenas, although generally liveaboard operators will include this as part of the itinerary.

Getting to San Jose is straight forward as it has a well-served international airport, flying to and from many destinations across America. If you're coming from elsewhere, your route will often involve changes in the United States.

Some long-term travelers will also arrive in Costa Rica by land, as it is well connected to neighboring Central American countries.

2. Barracuda Point, Sipadan Island, Malaysia

Sipadan Island has a diving location from the best underwater tour package in the world, namely Barracuda Point. If you're hoping to see great marine life, this is the place to be. You easily find yourself surrounded by sharks (hammer, white tip, spotted) and barracuda. You can also find turtles and parrotfish easily.

Are you considering a diving trip to Malaysia ? Have you heard of Sipadan Island? Sipadan is often touted as one of the best diving destinations in the world, but why is diving around the island so sought after?

Originally famous by Jacques Cousteau, Sipadan is undoubtedly one of the premier diving destinations in the world. Located in the Celebes Sea off the east coast of Sabah in Borneo, Sipadan was formed over thousands of years as living coral grew on top of an extinct volcano (Sipadan is Malaysia's only volcanic island). The island now plunges more than 2,000 meters/6,561 feet straight into the ocean floor. Sipadan is located in the middle of the Indo-Pacific basin which is one of the richest marine habitats in the world. Currents sweep past the islands carrying plankton with them. Plankton attracts smaller species that attract larger species until the entire food chain is on display before your eyes. More than 3,000 species of fish and hundreds of coral species have been classified in this ecosystem.

One thing is for sure – Sipadan rarely disappoints even the most experienced divers, so if it's not already on your bucket list, you might want to consider adding it! When you dive in Sipadan you will be immediately surprised by the number of turtles you see in one dive. Reef sharks are not a special sight here – they are almost guaranteed and for some lucky divers, you may even catch a glimpse of a manta ray or hammerhead shark passing by.

Here are some of the most impressive dive sites located in this incredible Marine Protected Area:

Barracuda Point

Barracuda point does everything it can to uphold Sipadan's reputation and is often listed in the top 10 dive sites in the world – which makes it one of the most popular dive sites in Sipadan. There is a large group of resident barracudas, often creating underwater tornadoes. This dive site is a must for any underwater photographer. The dive begins as a classic wall dive before reaching the channel, about 18 meters/59 feet, which often has currents running through it. It is at one end of the channel that barracudas often hang out and while they are there, most of the dive is often spent at this point, staring, dazzled into the blue. Barracuda Point also offers the opportunity to spot bumphead parrotfish, dozens of turtles, reef sharks patrolling the area, and the occasional hammerhead shark.

south point

South Point is another site known for its stunning coral-studded walls that drop precipitously to blue. South Point is an excellent site for viewing pelagics, herds of barracuda and trevallies, and the many turtles that will pass you by. Manta rays and thresher sharks are unheard of here and for experienced divers, early morning deep dives give you the chance to spot hammerhead sharks. For all levels of divers, the shallow waters are not to be underestimated – you're sure to spot reef sharks, lazy turtles, and a plethora of fish and reef creatures.

Turtle Cave

Turtle Cave used to be one of the most famous beach dives in Sipadan, at a time when accommodation was available on the island (now the island is uninhabited). The cave entrance is located about 18 meters/59 feet and is a unique cave experience. The second chamber of the cave is about 20 meters/65 feet into the tunnel and from there, there is another tunnel that connects with the 'Turtle Tomb'. Along the cave are several turtle skeletons, making it a frightening sight deep in the reef. There's still some mystery surrounding why the turtle skeleton is here – could it be that the turtle got lost in the cave and couldn't come to the surface for air? Or is this the place the tortoises go when they know they are nearing the end of their lives? Each guide seems to have a different story! This is an advanced dive and entering the Turtle Cave should only be done by those with the appropriate training and equipment. However, if you haven't been trained to penetrate, Turtle Cave isn't just about caves. The walls here are decorated with beautiful gorgonian sea fans; whitetip reef sharks pass in blue and schools of large-eyed trevally fish are often seen near the mouth of the cave. This is a truly unique site for all divers.

Hanging Garden

The west side of Sipadan is the deepest part of the island, plunging about 2,000 meters/6561 feet into the ocean floor. Needless to say, all of these dive sites are wall dives and steep. The only time you'll ever see the bottom at this site is when visibility reaches 40 meters/131 feet and you can see gray reef sharks and hammerheads resting in the highlands below you. As you drift with the current, you will be overwhelmed by the beauty and scale of diving here. The diversity of marine species here is incredible and you'll see a wide variety of damselfish, chromis, sweetlips, clownfish, lobsters hiding in crevices and beautifully colored nudibranchs. Of course, Sipadan wouldn't be complete without turtles and you won't be disappointed because you lose count of how many you saw during your dive. Reef sharks are also often seen here. It is an excellent site for underwater photographers and the snorkeling is also amazing for those traveling with non-divers.

Sipadan Diving Permit

Permits are required to dive around Sipadan Island, which is closely monitored by the Sabah Park Management. The permit scheme limits the number of divers allowed in the park per day to ensure longevity and preserve the ecology of this phenomenal area.

The number of permits per day is now 176 (previously 120), and permits allow divers to make up to 3 dives per day (previously 4). how many days are valid and what is included. Not all carrier websites are up-to-date regarding changes to licensing regulations so make sure you check with them for the latest information.

3. Maaya Thila, Maldives

In the Maldives, there is one of the best diving locations from undersea tour packages in the world, namely Maaya Thila. Maaya Thila itself is often referred to as the 'reef shark capital of the Maldives' and is home to a wide variety of tropical fish, including the Mooris Idol fish. You'll want to do a few dives to fully see the beauty of the underwater world.

Maaya Thila is one of the most prominent dive sites in the Maldives, and is often included in lists of the top 10 dive sites in the world. The site is located at a distance of about 8km/5mi to the northwest of the island of Ukulhas, and has become an established Marine Protected Area. This is a peak, whose peak is covered with lively coral reefs with regular reef marine life. It descends to over 30m/98ft where large fish are usually seen. This site also recognized the existence of sharks. This site is suitable for night diving as well as daytime diving. However, the currents are unstable and often unpredictable, so this site should not be attempted by entry-level divers.

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When to go?

Diving at Maaya Thila is possible all year round, but the recommended period is from December to May, when the sea is at its calmest in the region. The water temperature does not change dramatically from season to season and is 26-29C/79-84F throughout the year.

What to see

The Maaya Thila site is renowned for its beautiful reef made up of colorful soft and hard corals, sea fans, algae, and a full spectrum of reef life, including bright nudibranchs, mysterious stonefish, scorpionfish, butterflyfish, batfish and clownfish. Moorish idols, triggerfish, parrotfish, turtles, moray eels and octopuses are also common here. Gray reef sharks and whitefin sharks are frequent guests in deeper areas.

4. Manchones Reef, Cancun, Mexico

It is common knowledge that Mexico offers a variety of dive sites from amazing underwater tout packages, one of which is Manchones Reef in Cancun. It is a unique place with more than 60 underwater sculptures that form an artificial reef, including 400 life-sized figures. It makes your diving experience even more unique. In addition, at the best diving locations in the world, you will also find lobsters, moray eels, barracudas, and many more.

5. Liberty Wreck, Bali, Indonesia

Indonesia itself has many diving locations from the best underwater tour packages in the world. One of the most popular is Liberty Wreck, which is in Karangasem Regency, Bali. Drowning in the black sands, you'll find angelfish, surgeonfish and over 400 other amazing fish specs.

6. Gordon Rocks, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

At Gordon Rocks, the currents can be strong, but you'll be surrounded by sea lions, hammerhead sharks, manta rays, moray eels and tons of tropical fish while enjoying the underwater beauty. And this current will also attract some of these species so that your diving experience will be more enjoyable.

7. Yongala, Australia

Many people will certainly admit that Australia offers many diving locations from extraordinary underwater tout packages, one of which is in Yongala. Yongala is considered one of the best shipwreck dive sites in the world. Apart from being rich in history, the shipwreck is home to giant groupers (like 2 meters), manta rays, sea snakes, octopuses and a group of sharks. During winter, you can catch minke whales and humpbacks.

8. Great Blue Hole, Belize

Great blue Hole is a giant hole in the middle of the sea which is a big attraction for tourists, and divers get an exotic underwater view in that place. You'll find schools of giant groupers, sharks and large tuna. Sleain that, the underwater caves, stalactites and stalagmites are also amazing to explore

9. Bunaken Marine Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia

Of the many best diving locations in the world, Bunaken Island is often referred to as a favorite among divers. This is not surprising, because Bunaken Marine Park has stunning underwater views. This area is famous for its very clear waters. There are beautiful corals as well as turtles, white and black muzzle sharks and saltwater crocodiles.

Bunaken National Marine Park is considered as one of the world's top marine parks and best diving destinations, located in Manado, North Sulawesi Province in Manado Bay in the middle of the Coral Triangle of Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, providing habitat for more than 390 species of coral as well as many species of fish, molluscs , reptiles, and marine mammals.

Bunaken - indonesia

Bunaken National Marine Park was designated as a national park in 1991 and is one of the developing marine park systems in Indonesia and is one of the first marine parks in Indonesia. Bunaken National Marine Park consists of about five islands in the vicinity, namely Manado Tua Island, Bunaken Island, Siladen Island, Mantehage Island and several of its child islands, and Naen Island. and over about 22 villages with more than about 35,000 inhabitants.

Bunaken National Marine Park has more than 70 diving spots with varying depths of up to 1,344 meters. Of all the dive points, 35 dive points are located around Bunaken Island and these 35 dive points are often visited by divers and lovers of the beauty of the underwater scenery. What is interesting in Bunaken National Marine Park is the existence of the Great Underwater Walls, which are also often referred to as Hanging Walls, which stand tall and curve above them. Besides being a beautiful sight to behold, this Hanging Wall is also a source of food for fish in the waters around Bunaken Island.

Bunaken National Marine Park which is geographically included in the waters of the "Golden Triangle" is a habitat for more than 3,000 species of fish. The “Golden Triangle” waters are meant to connect the sea waters of Papua, the Philippines, and Indonesia. Because of their wealth, the government and non-governmental organizations (national and international) work together to carry out a coral reef and mangrove conservation program in the Bunaken area. Coral reef conservation programs aim to protect thousands of marine fish species from extinction.

An extremely rich coral ecosystem covers most of Bunaken National Marine Park , dominated by fringing and barrier reefs. There are about 390 species of coral recorded in the waters of the National Park. Its distinctive feature is a vertical coral wall as high as 25-50 meters which is inhabited by 13 genera of corals. Seaweeds that can be found here include Caulerpa, Halimeda, and Padina species, while the dominant seagrasses, especially on the islands of Montehage and Nain, are Thalassia hemprichii, Enhallus acoroides, and Thalassodendron ciliatum. The park is also rich in various species of fish, marine mammals and reptiles, birds, mollusks, and mangrove species.

Bunaken National Marine Park has mangrove forest ecosystems, seagrass beds, coral reefs, and land/coastal ecosystems. The types of plants available in the mangrove forest of Bunaken National Park are Lumnitzera sp, Rhizophora sp, Bruguiera sp and Sonneratia sp. Bunaken National Marine Park Forest is also rich in various types of shrimp, crabs, mollusks and various types of sea birds such as storks, gulls and sea grooves. In its marine ecosystem, Bunaken National Park has 13 genera of living corals and the most interesting are the vertical coral walls up to 25-50 meters. Approximately 90 species of fish and various types of mollusks were found. Meanwhile, the mainland ecosystem of the islands in Bunaken National Marine Park is rich in animal species such as the Sulawesi black macaque (Macaca Nigra), cuscus (Ailurops Ursinus),

Coral reefs

Thousands of divers come from all over the world each year to explore Bunaken National Marine Park, hoping to photograph eagle rays, giant clams, or maybe even a black-tipped shark. The waters around Bunaken Island are so clear that tourists can catch a glimpse of the amazing underwater life without having to leave the glass bottomed boat.

Currently, Bunaken National Marine Park has at least 50 places that are rich in diving with tropical fish and coral reefs. Guaranteed divers will be amazed by the wealth of this marine park. In addition to the charm of fame at sea, visitors can chat with family and loved ones in the afternoon on the beach where the sun no longer radiates heat while enjoying favorite dishes that can be ordered at the restaurant at the resort that visitors visit. choose. Tourists can view and choose lodging directly from various resorts and home stays around.

10. SS Thistlegorm, Red Sea, Egypt

SS Thistlegorm is one of the most popular wreck dive sites in the world. This British transport ship sank in 1941 and is 128 meters long. There are rifles, motorbikes, trucks, armored cars, and more. You can explore all the debris and amazing marine life in the wreck.

11. Great White Wall, Taveuni, Fiji

The Fijian people have done a great job protecting the coral reefs in the region. As a result, you will see thousands of coral species and amazing marine life. On the Great White Wall, you will start by swimming through a cave then see hills that appear white with coral and descend into the depths. In addition, you also have to be vigilant because species of batfish and barracuda are often seen in this area. What an amazing underwater tour package.

12. Kailua-Kona, Hawaii

Kailua-Kona is one of the best underwater diving spots in the world which gives you a unique opportunity to see Manta Rays species at night. Using a high-powered flash, you can see these graceful creatures feeding on the phytoplankton.

13. Tubbataha, Palawan, Philippines

Tubbataha has very clean water which helps all marine life to live longer. There are more than 300 types of coral and more than 375 species of fish live in these waters. You'll find everything from colorful tropical fish to nurse sharks and more.

14. Silfra, Thingvellir, Iceland

In this lake, you will swim between two continents (North America and Europe). The chasm between two tectonic plates leads to a large cavern with stunning visibility and majestic views. Bear in mind that the water is very cold here due to melting glaciers about 20 miles away.

15. Middle Arch, New Zealand

This underwater park is home to species of nudibranchia, reef fish and Scorpaenidae. This is one of the best sub-tropical diving spots you can find.

