
Zoologischer Garten, Berlin | Europe Tour Travel

Zoologischer Garten is the name of the very modern zoological gardens (zoo) in the centre of Berlin and for all visitors to Berlin it is worth a visit. It has been open since 1844 and it is the largest zoo in the world.

Zoologischer Garten

During the Second World War the zoo was destroyed and since then it has been reconstructed using the most modern principles and ideas including ensuring that the animals are in surroundings that are as similar as possible to their natural environment. Being in their natural environment means that the animals feel at home and show their most natural and basic behaviors which can be so interesting and enthralling to watch.

Visitors will also enjoy the aquarium when visiting the zoological gardens. The aquarium has some fascinating fish and some interesting reptiles too. At least half a day should be allowed for this visit. Three of the most popular animals at the zoological gardens in Berlin are the panda bears, the apes which are in large open-air enclosures and visitors usually enjoy feeding time with the seals.

Bear - Zoologischer Garten

There is also a playground and petting zoo which are very popular with children and   Knut, the first polar bear born here for thirty years is definitely worth a visit. He is now four years old. Another famous character at this zoo who visitors like to see is Bao Bao, the giant panda.

Zoologischer Garten promotes numerous European breeding programmes and safeguards several endangered species. After years of intensive human care many endangered species are eventually returned to the wild.

The zoo is open daily from March 15 to October 14 from 9am to 6.30 pm and from October 15 to March 14 from 9am to 5pm. It is possible to buy combination tickets for the zoological gardens and the aquarium if desired.

